Pop-Ins Schoolhouse

9083 West Peakview Drive 80123 Littleton, CO
Phone: 303-979-0094
Pop-ins Creative School House

4 to 6 years


PRE - K - Four's


Developmentally, your 4 year old is, typically, ready to engage in more complex social, learning and play experiences.


The Pop-ins 4 year old will start exploring how they are each similar, and yet different from their peers by talking about themselves. They will start to explore and learn about the Community and visit our local fire department, public library and post office.


Curriculum is frequently taught using long-term, investigative projects, where the topics are presented through a variety of activities including:


Group Discussion and read a loud
Sculpture with clay and other textures
Writing or telling a little story


4s are highly social and excited to try new things and share their knowledge with their friends and grown-ups so we may create a play or musical theatre performance for parents and caregivers.


Your 4 year old is full of energy and curiosity. As their imaginations are working overtime, they are learning about detail and anticipating outcomes.


The curriculum incorporates goal-setting activities, group discussion, and collaboration with peers. Working on responsibility and impulse control, we prepare your four-year-old for kindergarten.





T-K is the first year of a two-year kindergarten program serve as a "bridge" between preschool and elementary school. Some children might not make the age cutoff for kindergarten, but are ready to move beyond a preschool environment.


Others may fit the kindergarten age requirement, but would benefit from an extra year to mature socially and emotionally.


T-K is a modified kindergarten curriculum that is age and developmentally appropriate.


As children develop skills, they progress at their own individual pace to the next level. Children in T-K work at a slower pace and with more individualized attention than in a standard kindergarten.


Additionally, we have a program for our 2 year old which is only 3 days a week for an hour a day