Pop-Ins Schoolhouse

9083 West Peakview Drive 80123 Littleton, CO
Phone: 303-979-0094
Pop-ins Creative School House





Tag: preschool near Littleton | good preschool | toddler daycare Littleton



One of the best ways to set up a good foundation for the love of reading is to spend time reading with your children.  Recent research has shown that children who enjoy reading with their parents have fewer reading problems, generally do better in school and expand their language skills far quicker.  There is also more chance that they will enjoy reading in later years as they grow.
From the ages of 1-3, children will make enormous progress in learning about letters, shapes, colors, weather, animals, food and seasons.   Their vocabulary around these subjects will improve if they regularly hear these words repeated through storytelling.  Pointing to the pictures will create an association with the words and eventually they will be able to recognise the letters.

Choose a time before their nap or before bedtime, when they are ready to relax.   Setting a goal to read to them at least once a day will set a routine for them.   Let your little ones choose their own book from their selection and don’t worry if they like to read the same book over and over again.   This repetition will help them memorize the words and story.   There are also some wonderful teaching books which can help them learn to use the potty or get used to their own beds.   There are so many growing activities that can be explained through storytelling.   If they have to start preschool, or move houses, any new challenge can be softened and made less scary by explaining to them through storytelling.  

Besides their learning opportunities that will arise through reading, being close to your children, holding them or sitting close to them and spending that unconditional, uninterrupted time with them will be a great bonding experience for you and your child.   Reading together regularly can strengthen that connection, helping your toddler feel safe and comfortable.

Some toddlers will like to do things on their own so help them participate by choosing three or four books and let them pick one for the day.  Praise them for their choice and let them help you turn the pages.   Books that are repetitive will offer the opportunity for them to finish the sentence as they get used to the rhythm of the storyline.  

  1. Make sure that you read slowly and ask questions in between the storyline. 
  2. Let them give comments about the characters and story and be a good listener. 
  3. Read expressively, using different voices for different characters, and raise or lower your voice to express your emotions.
  4. Choose board books or cloth books that are durable. You can let your child use these books without having to worry about pages tearing.
  5. Encourage your toddler to clap or sing when you read rhythmic, sing-song books.
  6. Talk about and point to the pictures and name them. Then ask your child to name them with you and praise your child for their response.
  7. Ask open-ended questions: "Why do you think the bear is going into the woods? What will he eat in the woods and where will he sleep?" This helps your child to think about the story and to ask questions.
  8. Use your child's name as the name of a character in the book.
  9. Don’t fuss if they move around and can’t sit still, let them wiggle a little.

Above all, have fun with your child and pass on the wonderful treat of reading and learning through stories.